The Virtual Clinical Research center and Questionarium is a simulation of an NIH-type Clinical Translational Science/Clinical Research Center (CTSA/CRC), where students/trainees can navigate through the explorarium, library, and current research spaces, and choose expert or student presentations on various topics and pursue research questions of interest.
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The greatest single achievement of science in this most scientifically productive of centuries is the discovery that we are profoundly ignorant. We know very little about nature, and we understand even less. I wish there was some formal courses in medical school on medical ignorance, textbooks as well , although they would have to be very heavy volumes.
Indeed, the most important product of knowledge is ignorance! I am happy to report that we are not running out of our most important resource- ignorance! How lucky for science… scientists… and the Nobel foundation
Why are we here?
How did life originate on earth?
How does cancer arise (and how can the answer be translated into new therapies)?